Since January 1, 2012, Channel 17 has been exclusively a Government-Access Channel, which moved to Channel 16 in August 2023. For over Since then, Channel 16 has been broadcasting government meetings in a frequent rotation.
Regular broadcasts on PlaistowAccess | Channel 16, both live and replay:
- Board of Selectmen
- Budget Committee
- Planning Board
- Zoning Board
Additional government programming includes:
- Public Hearing
- Warrant Articles Overview
- Deliberative Session
- Candidates’ Night
As airtime is available, coverage of town-sanctioned events may also appear on Channel 16.
(as well as their regular airtimes on Channel 22):
- Patriotic Events
- Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies
- Old Home Day
The Community Messageboard is seen on both Channels 16 and 22.
Emergency Information may appear on both channels as needed.